Built-In Extensions

SmartDraw includes several built-in extensions that can generate a data-driven diagram from an external source.

Extensions are found in the Extensions folder in the SmartDraw Template dialog.

Normally, clicking on a template icon in SmartDraw opens that template as a new diagram. Clicking on an extension icon will instead prompt you to point to a source of relevant data. Generating a diagram from that data is as easy as selecting some formatting options and clicking a "Build Diagram" button.

Explore the existing built-in extensions below.

ERD extension
Database Diagrams and ERD

Visualize your database structure automatically.
Learn more.

Class diagram extension
Class Diagram

Generate a UML class diagram from a GitHub or local repository.
Learn more.

Decision tree extension
Decision Tree

Visualize your decision process automatically.
Learn more.

Org chart extension
Orgnizational Charts

Generate org charts from data automatically.
Learn more.

Site map extension
Site Map

Build a site map from the data in a sitemap.xml file.
Learn more.

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