Government Assisted Housing

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Section 202 Housing
senior citizen housing, usually with supportive services such as meals, transportation, and accommodations for the disabled. Eligibility: Private, non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives. Occupancy is open to very low-income households with at least one person 62 years of age or older, and the disabled.
Section 8 Rental Certificates
allows very low-income families (including the elderly and disabled) to choose where they want to live, subject to HUD standards, by providing rental certificates that limit tenants' rent to 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income. Eligibility: Very low-income families with incomes not exceeding 50 percent of the median income for the area.
low cost housing in multi-unit complexes that are available to low-income families, including the elderly and disabled, typically requiring tenants to pay no more than 30 percent of their monthly income for rent. Eligibility: Public housing authorities that receive funding from the federal government own and operate public housing complexes, available to applicants that do not exceed published income levels (dependent on the size of the household).
Government Assisted Housing
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Housing
Section 8
Section 202
Lower housing costs
A safer neighborhood
A better quality home
To live with other seniors
A place with no stairs to climb
Services (meals and transportation)
To be closer to family
My own household
1. Type of Housing
2. Which Housing Program is Right for You?

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